​I was raised in rural Louisiana. I have an MA in Literature (University of New Orleans) and a MFA in Writing (Spalding University). My short fiction has appeared in various journals, including The Louisville Review, Mythium: the Journal of Contemporary Literature and Cultural Voices, Eleven Eleven, Thrice, and Xavier Review. I have written for Symphony Space’s Selected Shorts Commissioning Project ("You Don't Know Me, Child"), as well as been nominated for a Pushcart Prize on three occasions. My short story, “The Elderberries,” appeared in New Stories from the South: Best of 2009 (Algonquin), and my story "The Persimmon Trail" appeared in the anthology Something in the Water: 20 Louisiana Stories (Portals Press, 2010). I also published the personal essays "The Woodpecker" (Ponder Review, Spring 2018) and “Table Scraps” (Bayou Magazine, 2013), which was a notable in Best American Essays 2014. I live in New Orleans and teach English and Literature at the University of Holy Cross, as well as a creative nonfiction workshop at the University of New Orleans.